How It Works
We will donate $1 to the IWK Foundation for every valid check-in to our restaurant!
Only check-ins from guests (dine-in or takeout) will be counted.
Multiple check-ins are permitted but we can honour only one check-in per person every 12 hours as Facebook doesn’t count more frequent check-ins.
You may tag as many friends as you like but they’ll have to check-in separately on their phone to count as a valid check-in.
Before checking in, turn on your phone’s Location Services.
To check into the Brass Rail Restaurant via Facebook:
- Scroll to the top of your News Feed and tap Location
- Select a nearby location or search for one (Brass Rail Restaurant)
- When you check-in, you can also:
- Photo/Video: Adds a photo or video to your post.
- Tag Friend: Adds a friend to your post.
- Feeling/Activity: Adds a feeling or activity to your post.
- Write a status update
- Click Post
Select an audience for your post – IMPORTANT…please choose PUBLIC as the audience so we can see that you’ve checked in and count it! This is VERY IMPORTANT.